The Strong Workforce Program funding presents an exciting opportunity to strengthen Career Education enrollment at CCSF, address existing gaps in funding for CE programs, spur innovation in CE offerings, and put in place a solid infrastructure for CE program delivery.

CCSF established an inclusive, collaborative planning process engaging key stakeholders - both internal and external - to formulate the . The Strong Workforce Task Force, which included faculty, staff, and administrators, met four times during the 2023-2024 School Year to review input and discuss priorities as outlined in the plan. Please contact Associate Dean John Halpin at for details. Faculty and staff can access the Strong Workforce Task Force meeting materials on the .

The CCSF Office of Workforce Development is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to support and strengthen Career Education at CCSF. The RFP linked below provides the background information and procedures for applying for funds for the 2025-26 fiscal year. It combines the application process for two funding streams: Perkins V and the Strong Workforce Program (SWP).

The timeline for the RFP process is as follows:

  • December 6, 2024: Request for Proposals released 
  • December 2024鈥揊ebruary 2025: Workforce team is available by appointment to provide help sessions for applicants. Email Cece Jones at to schedule an appointment. 
  • February 4, 2025: Technical Assistance Webinar (email for invitation) 
  • February 14, 2025: Deadline to submit technology requests to ITS for review, per directions in RFP. 
  • March 7, 2025 by 11:59 PM PST: Proposals due via SurveyMonkey Apply 
  • April 2025: Allocation Subcommittee meets to make funding decisions 
  • May 2025: Tentative Awards Announced

RFPs will be processed using Survey Monkey Apply (SMApply) again this year.

All proposals requesting computers, software, or other technology must get approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and may also require approval from the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology (OLET). This will allow ITS and OLET to ensure that requests meet the relevant technology standards, are in alignment with overarching technology plans, and ensure that the College has sufficient capacity to service any new hardware or software purchased. The purpose of this review is not to assess the efficacy of your proposal, which means you can submit your itemized technology requests for approval while you are developing the rest of your application. 



July 6, 2021

Thank you for your thoughtful requests for 2021-22 Perkins and SWP Funds. Here are the set of awards we have made to date using SWP available funds and the recommendations from the CE Allocations Subcommittee. 

2021-22 Awards by Department:

Department Award Amount
Administration of Justice Fire Science - CCSF/SFPD Career Education Counseling $ 6,096.00
Administration of Justice/Fire Science - Fire Career Preparation Program $ 75,812.00
Aeronautics $ 31,515.00
Automotive/Custodial $ 19,440.00
Child Development & Family Studies $ 93,000.00
Computer Networking & Information Technology $ 84,786.00
Computer Science $ 99,102.00
Engineering & Technology/Biotechnology $ 54,935.00
Health Care Technology - EMS Education $ 88,496.00
Health Care Technology - Medical Assisting Program $ 35,124.00
Nursing - Licensed Vocational $ 58,000.00
Registered Nursing $ 99,223.00

The CCSF Office of Workforce Development is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to support and strengthen Career Education at CCSF. The RFP linked below provides the background information and procedures for applying for funds for the 2024-25 fiscal year. It combines the application process for two funding streams: Perkins V and the Strong Workforce Program (SWP).

The timeline for the RFP process is as follows:

  • Technical support webinar 鈥 February 6, 2024
  • Technology requests due to ITS 鈥 February 16, 2024
  • Department and Collaborative applications due 鈥 March 8, 2024
  • CTE Allocations Subcommittee meeting 鈥 April 2024
  • Funding decisions announced 鈥 Mid-May 2024

RFPs will be processed using Survey Monkey Apply (SMApply) again this year.

All proposals requesting computers, software, or other technology must get approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and may also require approval from the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology (OLET). This will allow ITS and OLET to ensure that requests meet the relevant technology standards, are in alignment with overarching technology plans, and ensure that the College has sufficient capacity to service any new hardware or software purchased. The purpose of this review is not to assess the efficacy of your proposal, which means you can submit your itemized technology requests for approval while you are developing the rest of your application. 

The CCSF Office of Workforce Development is issuing this Request for Proposals (RFP) to support and strengthen Career Education at CCSF. The RFP linked below provides the background information and procedures for applying for funds for the 2023-24 fiscal year. It combines the application process for two funding streams: Perkins V and the Strong Workforce Program (SWP). 

The timeline for the RFP process is as follows:

  • Technical support webinar 鈥 February 7, 2023
  • Technology requests due to ITS 鈥 February 16, 2023
  • Department and Collaborative applications due 鈥 March 3, 2023
  • CTE Allocations Subcommittee meeting 鈥 April 2023
  • Funding decisions announced 鈥 COMING SOON

RFPs will be processed using Survey Monkey Apply (SMApply) again this year. The Strong Workforce Program will continue to accept proposals related to short-term training classes.

All proposals requesting computers, software, or other technology must get approval from Information Technology Services (ITS) and may also require approval from the Office of Online Learning and Educational Technology (OLET). This will allow ITS and OLET to ensure that requests meet the relevant technology standards, are in alignment with overarching technology plans, and ensure that the College has sufficient capacity to service any new hardware or software purchased. The purpose of this review is not to assess the efficacy of your proposal, which means you can submit your itemized technology requests for approval while you are developing the rest of your application. 

The Strong Workforce Program funding presents an exciting opportunity to strengthen Career Education enrollment at CCSF, address existing gaps in funding for CE programs, spur innovation in CE offerings, and put in place a solid infrastructure for CE program delivery. 

SWP 3-year plan (DRAFT)

December 5, 2019

  • Perkins/SWP RFP Now Available
  • Proposals due: 11:59 p.m. Thursday, February 27, 2020

February 26, 2018

Strong Workforce Program Externship Applications Now Open!

Strong Workforce Program is accepting applications for summer 2018 externships. Please  (NOTE: please use Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer to apply online).

All applications must be received by no later than 5:00 pm on March 16, 2018.

February 6, 2018

Perkins/SWP Application Deadline Extended

The deadline to submit Perkins/SWP funding applications has been extended to 4:00 pm on Monday, February 12, 2018. Please submit your completed application to the Perkins office in Cloud 404 (Ocean Campus) by this time.

More news and announcements can be found in our news archive.

January 25, 2018

Perkins/SWP RFP Workshop Content

Please review the following workshop content for support completing your Perkins/SWP application. Further questions can be directed to John Halpin at or Alina Varona at

  • (link to YouTube)

December 8, 2017

Perkins/SWP RFP Now Available

All applications must be received at the Perkins office at Cloud 404 (Ocean Campus) by no later than 4:00pm on Thursday, February 8, 2018.

The application deadline has been extended to 4:00pm on Monday, February 12, 2018.

October 27, 2017

Perkins/SWP Allocation Subcommittee Meeting

The CTE Steering Committee Perkins/SWP Allocation Subcommittee Meeting will convene on Friday, October 27, 2017 from 10:00am-12:00pm at Rosenberg 518 to discuss proposed changes to the Perkins/SWP RFP timeline and review rubric. Please RSVP to All are welcome to attend.

October 3, 2017

More & Better CTE at CCSF

(MBCTE) is a statewide initiative developed by CCCAOE and supported by CCCCO Doing What Matters to empower CTE professionals to strengthen their programs by accessing state and regional resources, including Deputy Sector Navigators (DSNs) and the LaunchBoard data center.

MBCTE events are hosted at community colleges throughout the state, and the event at CCSF was held on October 3, 2017 from 12:00-6:00 in MUB 140.

September 2017

Spring 2018 Class Section Rollover

Applications for Spring 2018 Class Section Rollover now closed.

January 2017

The Office of Workforce & Economic Development announces the release of the 2017-18 Applications for Perkins & Strong Workforce Program funds. The Request for Proposals and application forms can be found on the Perkins Funding News page on our CTE website.

SWP Task Force Update:
The task force completed its 2016 goals and finalized the strategic plan for SWP funding. The Academic Senate approved the plan.

The group will continue to meet in 2017 to discuss ways to optimize SWP funding.


DECEMBER 5, 2016 3-5pm, MUB 240

  1. Welcome 鈥 Beth Cataldo
    1. Review of SWP Task Force work to date
  2. Update/Work to Date on FY 2016-2017 SWP Expenditure Plan 鈥 Theresa Rowland
    1. Update on progress to date
    2. Review of timeline and tasks for completion
  3. Discussion of Revised CCSF SWP Strategic Plan 鈥 Beth, Theresa
    1. Review final draft of SWP Strategic Plan, incorporating feedback received to date
    2. Recommendations for further changes to the revised SWP Strategic Plan
    3. Discussion of Task Force recommendations for top two priorities
  4. Discussion of CCSF SWP Allocation Process, FY 2017-2018 and beyond 鈥 Beth, John Halpin
    1. Update on progress on combined CTE program application and opportunities for input
  5. Regional SWP funding update
  6. Next Steps 鈥 Beth, Theresa

Additional Meeting Dates for Fall 2016:

  • CTE Steering Committee Meeting: Dec. 6, 10 am-12 pm
  • CTE Coffee Chat, Dec. 13 at 1:30 pm

NOVEMBER 21, 2016 3-5pm, MUB 240

  1. Agenda
  2. Discussion of second draft of SWP Strategic Plan
    1. Review second draft of SWP Strategic Plan
    2. Recommendations of further additions
    3. Review of proposed attachments
  3. Discussion of SWP Allocation Process
    1. For FY 2016鈥17:
      鈥 Update on progress
      鈥 Review of FY 2016鈥17 Local Expenditure Plan memo and application
    2. For next year and beyond
      鈥 Solicit input for combined CTE program application
      鈥 Discuss internal SWP allocations framework

NOVEMBER 7, 2016 3-5pm, MUB 240

  1. Agenda
  2. Review of Institutional Goals
    1. Board Goals
    2. Initial Draft of CCSF SWP Strategic Plan
  3. Discussion of SWP Strategic Plan and Allocation Process
    1. Update from Theresa Rowland re: Progress on Local Expenditures for FY 16-17.
    2. Recommendations for SWP Strategic Plan content: CTE priorities for next three years (suggestions from faculty)
    3. Recommendations for internal SWP allocations process based on Perkins application process (discussion)

OCTOBER 24, 2016 3-5pm

The CCSF Office of Workforce and Economic Development and the Office of Research and Planning will offer a CTE workshop on sources for gathering program and labor market data on November 2, 1:30 鈥 3:00pm in the TLC in Batmale Hall 313. Contact David Agam [] in Research & Planning for more information.

Professional Development

Lunch and Learn Seminars Archive

Thurs, 10/27/16, Noon

CTE Communication Strategy: The Rebranding of CTE in California Community Colleges with a Spotlight on EPI Tools

Thurs, 11/03/16, Noon

Enhancing Employability Skills: The New World of Work, 21st Century Skills (Curriculum)

Thurs, 11/10/16, Noon

Transition Strategy: Strengthening the College & Career Ready Pipeline with 鈥淕et Focused...Stay Focused!鈥

Thurs, 11/17/16, Noon

Enhancing Career Pathway Knowledge: Bolstering the Mission of the CCC with Career Pathways

Thurs, 12/01/16, Noon

Growing Our Knowledge of Work-Based Learning: Investigating the Work Based Courses Online Toolkit

Thurs, 12/08/16, Noon

Enhancing Our Perspective of Exit Points: The Relevance of Third Party Credentials in Student and Workforce Progression

Thurs, 12/15/16, Noon

Student Success Strategies: The Convergence of the Strong Workforce Implementation with SSSP & Student Equity