Welcome to SparkPoint CCSF!
We welcome you to our basic needs center, SparkPoint CCSF. We are here to support students by bridging the gap they experience when they attempt to connect to the numerous campus resources and services. We intend to help improve access and navigation to student essential resources available to foster students' academic success and economic prosperity at 红莲社区 of San Francisco. Our center strives to provide equitable, trauma-informed, student-centered support, inclusive of our needs-based, equity populations, credit and non-credit students as well as our college community. We are here for you. We care!
Why SparkPoint?
Basic Needs
Our Vision
About SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center
Student Essentials Support Guides [English|Spanish|Chinese]
The need is clear. Findings from The Hope Center’s #RealCollege Survey in 2019 revealed the many challenges and barriers community college students are facing in California: 60% of respondents were housing insecure in the previous year;19% were homeless; and 50% were food insecure in the prior 30 days. A 2018 on the basic needs of California State University students highlighted similar findings: 41.6% of students reported food insecurity, and 10.9% reported experiencing homelessness one or more times in the last 12 months. These challenges, which have been exacerbated?by the COVID-19 pandemic, disproportionately?impact?low-income students, students of color, and first-generation students.
To address these negative impacts, the postsecondary education trailer bill AB132 requires California Community Colleges to establish a Basic Needs Center and designate a Basic Needs Coordinator on each campus by July 1st, 2022. Other public institutions are wrestling with the same needs on their campuses. Therefore, colleges and universities are attempting to find practices that support the well-being of their students and help students stay in school, leading to increased persistence and graduation rates.
have been operating since 2009 in eight San Francisco Bay Area counties. SparkPoint at postsecondary institutions offer vital resources (including food pantries, financial coaching, access to public benefits, and housing resources) that encourage students to stay in school so they can be successful and fully engage in college programs.
Basic Needs
Two of every three California community college students face at least one basic needs insecurity, including lack of food and housing, according to the Real College California: Basic Needs Among California Community Colleges report. More than 66,000 students from 88 California Community Colleges (CCC) participated in the study.
However, food insecurity rates have declined slightly since 2019 (from 50% to 47%), with reductions likely related to the concentrated efforts by colleges to tackle food insecurity (via food pantries, food distribution days, etc.).
Demographic Disparities in Basic Needs Insecurity
? African American/Black and American Indian/Alaskan Native students are more likely to report basic needs insecurities than students of other races/ethnicities.
? LGBTQ+ students are much more likely to report basic needs insecurities than non-LGBTQ+ students.
? Students aged 21-30 experienced the highest rates of basic needs insecurities relative to younger and older students.
Webinar recording presenting key findings from the Real College California survey that assesses the basic needs securities of students from California Community Colleges. Basic needs indices related to food, housing, and homelessness will be provided, along with disaggregated information by region and select student demographics. Implications for local and state decision-makers will also be discussed.
SparkPoint at CCSF is an accessible, holistic hub that welcomes and connects students and the community with internal and external resources. By meeting the needs of each unique individual with care and compassion, the Center facilitates access to basic needs, employment & education, and financial services that empower them to reach their goals.
SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center Services
SparkPoint Food Card Program
SparkPoint Scholars Grant?
SEFA Student Emergency Fund
Donate to SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center

SparkPoint Food Card
SparkPoint CCSF, Basic Needs Center Food Card Program application is available starting January 13th and closes February 13th for spring 2025. Please see the flyer below, which outlines the criteria and details of how to apply.
Enrichment Activities students can engage in consists of any of the options listed below. Should be completed prior to a re-load and/or end of the semester.
- Complete a NEW CalFresh or County Benefits Application (In-person) at the SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center, Science Hall 127, Ocean Campus or (online application)
- Partner Resource Day (In-person at 1pm) at SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center, Science Hall 127, Ocean Campus, Tuesday, February 11th or Tuesday, March 11th
- Financial Wellness Workshops [virtual at 1pm]
- Financial Coaching [in-person and/or virtual]
- Workshop Wednesdays [hybrid at 11am in Science Hall 127 or via zoom]
- Office of Student Equity (OSE) - Listen & Learn Series [virtual at 12pm]
Questions? Contact us at sparkpoint@ccsf.edu

SparkPoint Scholars Grant
SparkPoint CCSF, Basic Needs Center is excited to launch our SparkPoint Scholars Grant in spring 2025. This $250 grant is intended to help students meet their basic needs while being a part-time college student attaining their educational goal of certificate or degree completion. The application opens January 6, 2025 in Scholarship Universe to part-time students who meet the eligibility criteria. Please see the flyer below, which outlines the criteria and how to apply.
Questions? Contact us at sparkpoint@ccsf.edu

Enrichment Activities students can engage in consists of any of the options listed below. This requirement is due by March 27, 2025 in order to receive 2nd disbursement.
- Complete a NEW CalFresh or County Benefits Application (In-person) at the SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center, Science Hall 127, Ocean Campus or (online application)
- Partner Resource Day (In-person at 1pm) at SparkPoint CCSF Basic Needs Center, Science Hall 127, Ocean Campus, Tuesday, February 11th or Tuesday, March 11th
- Financial Wellness Workshops [virtual at 1pm]
- Smart Money Coaching [in-person and/or virtual]
- Workshop Wednesdays [hybrid at 11am in Science Hall 127 or via zoom]
- Office of Student Equity (OSE) - Listen & Learn Series [virtual at 12pm]
The SEFA Student Emergency Fund Application is now available. The SEFA is a limited emergency grant. The purpose of the grant is for students to use the funds towards emergency related situations, including rent, food insecurities, utility cutoff notifications, etc. The maximum amount the students can apply for is $500 and the grant can only be awarded once in a lifetime. The additional criteria is as follows:
- Apply for financial aid by completing a or for the associated academic year
- Demonstrate financial need
- Be classified as a California Resident
- Enrolled in at least 6 CCSF units for the application term
- Complete
- Meet Academic Standing Standards
- 2.0 cumulative GPA
- Completed 50% of all units attempted at CCSF
- Submit a typed personal statement explaining your financial hardship/extenuating circumstances
- Submit a comprehensive Student Education Plan
- Has not previously received Student Emergency Funds
- Provide supporting documentation of the emergency
- E.g. Proof of eviction notice, utility shut off notification, death of parent/spouse, or other proof of rent and/or food insecurities
Grants are awarded based on urgency of need, available funding, and exhaustion of all other funding resources/options. You can view the Student Emergency Funds Application .
For assistance completing the application, see: .
For questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at finaid@ccsf.edu or via our Financial Aid Virtual Help Counter.
Are you interested in making a donation to SparkPoint CCSF, Basic Needs Center
- Funding Resources -
- Nonperishable food items - drop off at the center
- New Hygiene items - drop off at the center
- New or Gently Used Clothing - drop off at the center
If you have any questions pertaining to your donation and our ability to accept these items, please call us at 415-239-3776. We, at SparkPoint CCSF, thank you in advance for your donations and contributions to ensure our students' success.